Thursday, August 5, 2010


Faithful to His Promise- Part 3

The value of a promise is directly contingent upon the integrity of the one who makes the promise. Time is not the issue, one’s own inadequacy is not the issue and lack of visible resources is not the issue. God and His promise is the issue.

God’s people are called to entrust themselves to Him. As God’s chosen people, Israel was born out of God’s promise. God told Abraham that he and his descendents would receive an inheritance. Now move forward and we find Joshua and Israel about to enter a promised land full of obstacles and resistance. Much time had transpired since God first gave the promise to Abraham.

Consider the whole process and time span of God’s promise to Abraham. Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, went to Egypt with his family, including Joseph, and they numbered about 70 people. As their numbers grew the Egyptians became afraid of them and enslaved them, however the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew. The taskmasters made their work hard and they cried out to God. God’s promise seemed far away.

However, God sent them Moses and under God’s powerful hand, Moses did the impossible and brought them out of slavery. Under God’s direction Moses gave them their constitution, bylaws and culture. They became a people with identity and destiny. Yet the people were complainers, doubters, quitters and constantly fell into unbelief. Even Moses became discouraged! At one point, they even reach the promised land and having turned back in unbelief, spent 40 years in the wilderness. However, two men stood on the promise and said, “Let’s go up at once and possess it, for we are well able to overcome it!” (Numbers 13:30). How do you suppose Joshua and Caleb felt during the 40 years still waiting on the promise? They did not give up because they were convinced of who they were, a people of promise, and that God was a God faithful to His promise.

It’s vital to see the faithfulness of God in receiving His promise. Moses died but just because Moses died didn’t mean the plans of God were dead. God reminds Joshua that the promise is dependent upon the God who gave it. God’s promise is bound to His divine nature. Twice God reminds Joshua that He is the divine giver (Joshua 1:2-3).

A few years ago, Simon Pettit, who was one of our outstanding Newfrontiers leaders in Africa, died. One day Terry Virgo and John Lanferman will die. However the promise is not dead. It’s about who God is.

We are on a journey to lay hold of the promise of God to us. He is faithful to His promise to us. He will supply all that is necessary in order that we receive the inheritance.

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